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Hospital in Thailand

Hospital in Thailand


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Hotels Deals

I live in Southeast Asia and have booked hundreds of hotels in this region. I have spent many hours researching hotel prices to get the best deal and I always end up booking through Agoda. Their rates are far lower compared to other companies or booking directly with hotels. Give them a try!

Tuberculosis | Symptoms, Treatment, Vaccines


What is Tuberculosis?

Tuberculosis is mainly an infection of the lungs caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria, but it can infect other parts of the body. It is potentially fatal and kills in excess of a million people globally each year. It is highly contagious and easily spread.

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What Are The Symptoms?

The symptoms are flu-like (fatigue and fever), but with lots of coughing. Coughing can last several weeks and coughed up sputum may contain blood. Both coughing and breathing may be painful. Sufferers may also lose weight.

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How Is It Contracted?

Very easily. The bacteria are carried in airborne particles and released into the air whenever an infected person coughs or sneezes.

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Who Is At Most Risk?

It is difficult to avoid breathing in infected air and we never know when someone with Tuberculosis is nearby. Those most at risk are people with weak immune systems, such as people infected with the HIV virus.

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Where Are You At Risk?

The disease seems to be most prevalent in sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia (where I live), India and some parts of Eastern Europe.

I suffer from asthma and saw a doctor who was a pulmonary disease specialist. He X-Rayed my chest to check for Tuberculosis. I was clear, but he told me that there is a very high incidence rate in Thailand.

During the 'flu season lots of people in Thailand wear masks over their mouths and noses. If you come into contact with people who cough and splutter this may be advisable.


Face mask to protect against airborne infections

Face mask to protect against airborne infections


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The BCG vaccine protects against tuberculosis. In the UK this vaccine isn't administered as part of the regular vaccination schedule, but is only given to those regarded as being at risk.

It is effective when given to children, but not very effective when given to adults.

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Source Of information

GlaxoSmithKline, Wikipedia, local doctors, local hospitals, newspaper articles, various.

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