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Hat Yai | Central Festival Floor 4

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Central Festival, Hat Yai

Central Festival, Hat Yai


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Floor 4 Central Festival, Hat Yai | Full Directory Listing


For general information about Central Festival and business listings by category, see here:

Central Festival Hat Yai

For accommodation options near Central Festival, see here:

Ten Places To Stay Near Central Festival

This page contains details of shops and businesses on floor 4 of Central Festival, Hat Yai. This list is in store location order, starting from Central department store and traversing the mall in a clockwise direction.

If you have any customer comments to add, or if you are a store owner and would like to add any information or promotional offers, please contact me.

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The following information was correct in November 2019. If I notice that anything has changed I will update this information, but I can't guarantee that it will always be correct. Businesses open and close in Central Festival with alarming regularity and I simply don't have the time to keep this page permanently up to date.

I am always grateful when readers notify me of anything that is wrong so that I can make appropriate corrections.

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Central Festival Floor 4 Shop Listings

Rest Room, Central Festival, Hat Yai - Click for larger image
Rest Room
Description: If you need a rest this room has comfy chairs and, if you visit just before Christmas, there are also Christmas decorations.

Slim Up Center, Central Festival, Hat Yai - Click for larger image
Slim Up Center
Description: Weight loss clinic
Telephone: +66 (0)74 339900/1

KT Optic, Central Festival, Hat Yai - Click for larger image
KT Optic
Description: Eyeglasses and sunglasses
Telephone: +66 (0)74 339907

Wagashi, Central Festival, Hat Yai - Click for larger image
Description: Confectionery and toys from Japan. Quite expensive, but Thai kids love this stuff.

Daiso, Central Festival, Hat Yai - Click for larger image
Description: Thais have something of a fascination with Japan and Korea. This shop sells low-cost gadgets, novelties and household items from Japan. I bought a clockwork mouse for my cats to play with. Daiso is a franchise if you are interested in opening your own branch.
Telephone: +66 (0)74 339686

Pornkasem Clinic, Central Festival, Hat Yai - Click for larger image
Pornkasem Clinic
Description: Beauty clinic - more information here.
Telephone: +66 (0)74 339650

Nitipon Clinic, Central Festival, Hat Yai - Click for larger image
Nitipon Clinic
Description: Beauty clinic - more information here.
Telephone: +66 (0)74 339938

P and F Super Drug, Central Festival, Hat Yai - Click for larger image
P&F Super Drug
Description: Pharmacy

Sy Furniture, Central Festival, Hat Yai - Click for larger image
Sy Furniture
Description: Furniture

Moshi Moshi, Central Festival, Hat Yai - Click for larger image
Moshi Moshi
Description: This is yet another shop that sells cheap goods, items sold in Moshi Moshi start at Bt20. There are now a lot of shops like this in Hat Yai, even in expensive retail spaces such as Central Festival.

Eye Class, Central Festival, Hat Yai - Click for larger image
Eye Class
Description: Eyeglasses and sunglasses

Chester's, Central Festival, Hat Yai - Click for larger image
Description: Chester's Grill is a large chain in Thailand that sells cheap rice and chicken dishes.

The Pizza Company, Central Festival, Hat Yai - Click for larger image
The Pizza Company
Description: Italians would disagree, but this place purports to sell pizza. Very popular with Thais.

i-Kitchen, Central Festival, Hat Yai - Click for larger image
Description: Desserts, drinks and cakes

Cawaii, Central Festival, Hat Yai - Click for larger image
Description: Women's fashion clothing with a nice line in native American Indian headdresses

Food Park, Central Festival, Hat Yai - Click for larger image
Food Park
Description: This is the food court at Central Festival. There is quite a lot of food on offer, but only Asian dishes.

Fun Planet, Central Festival, Hat Yai - Click for larger image
Fun Planet
Description: Children's amusement arcade. Kids can also board a small train here that goes around floor 4.

Fuji Japanese Restuarant, Central Festival, Hat Yai - Click for larger image
Description: Part of a large chain of Japanese restaurants. Thais love Japanese food. The service and quality of food at Fuji is excellent, but prices are quite high.

Jiang Look Shin, Central Festival, Hat Yai - Click for larger image
Jiang Look Shin
Description: Noodle and meat ball restaurant.

Toys R Us, Central Festival, Hat Yai - Click for larger image
Toys R Us
Description: This large toy retailer is struggling in the States, but the Thai operation seems quite robust.

Laser Tag, Central Festival, Hat Yai - Click for larger image
Laser Tag
Description: This is like paint-ball in the digital age. Combatants use laser guns to shoot their opponents. One game lasts 15 minutes and costs Bt150. Two games for Bt270 or three games for Bt380.

Jeffer, Central Festival, Hat Yai - Click for larger image
Description: Thai style steak restaurant. There are lots of branches in Thailand and even several in Hat Yai.

Kim Kun, Central Festival, Hat Yai - Click for larger image
Kim Kun
Description: Korean style bistro
Suggested Dishes: Cheese-ring Korean Sauce Chicken, Cheese Wing Red Bull Chicken, Korean Sauce Chicken

Kimju, Central Festival, Hat Yai - Click for larger image
Description: Korean royal cuisine

Ootoya, Central Festival, Hat Yai - Click for larger image
Description: Japanese restaurant

Naiin, Central Festival, Hat Yai - Click for larger image
Description: Books and stationery

Optic Square, Central Festival, Hat Yai - Click for larger image
Optic Square
Description: Eyeglasses and sunglasses

Watsons, Central Festival, Hat Yai - Click for larger image
Description: Pharmacy

SE-ED, Central Festival, Hat Yai - Click for larger image
Description: Books, stationery, toys.

V2 Land, Central Festival, Hat Yai - Click for larger image
V2 Land
Description: Luggage

Government Center, Central Festival, Hat Yai - Click for larger image
Government Center
Description: Both Thais and foreigners living in Thailand are subject to a huge amount of bureaucracy and there are different government offices all over the place that you must visit dependent on what you need to get done.

This government center in Central Festival makes things more convenient for Thais because it allows them to get some bureaucratic things done while they are doing their shopping.

Priceway, Central Festival, Hat Yai - Click for larger image

Priceway, Central Festival, Hat Yai - Click for larger image

Description: The economy hasn't been good for a long time. When I visited Central Festival in November 2019 to update the information in these pages I noticed that a lot of upmarket shops and beauty clinics had closed. Many Thais simply don't have the money for luxury goods and services.

I also noticed that several shops selling cheap goods have opened and they seem to be doing good business. The same thing has happened outside of Central Festival and there are quite a few shops that sell all their goods for a fixed price of Bt10 or Bt20.

On my visit this shop hadn't yet opened, but it was just about to and it will sell goods starting from Bt19.

Impress, Central Festival, Hat Yai - Click for larger image
Description: Hair salon

The Klinique, Central Festival, Hat Yai - Click for larger image
The Klinique
Description: Beauty clinic

Zleep Sleep, Central Festival, Hat Yai - Click for larger image
Zleep Sleep
Description: Bed linen

Central Festival Hat Yai Floor Guide

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